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So her a z t ÐO(Hñt ¦ ]RŠÄ$ K["re I am. The rats showed up just as I was getting the machine operational. They do have such wonderful timing. You might be wondering why I've taken the time to wr à¶ñ=‰¡<g%ite so much if things are getting this bad. The answ^ X' ò¼óÎer is pretty straightforward; first of all, I know if I found a blog like this and it just claimed to be a message from the future, I would ignore it without a second thought and I was hoping providing the full stoÂÿûùçÝ gð‹žrÚ© 3gry and context would make people take it seriously. Second of all, I was hoping that providing detail might help with stopping this from happening.
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I don't h ž´õÝaôÏ Izßknow how it can be prevented. Maybe it ca ØW `XßW§3)·n't be. Maybe this has all been a desperate waste of what little life I haXgXg ` `z¶ f f=m †uve left. But I had to try. Even if this doesn't work, I had to do this one last thing with my life and tr ýÿ B ÁÓ+qà IEND®B`‚y and fix things. This all started on the 3rd of November, 2071. If I calculated right, that sho¤?L° ¿¤v#šƒÄb²¶Žuld give you plenty of time to try and figure something out. Find out what that thing is and kiûF8:zæç ¼ll it before it can wake the plagues of the earth. Don't let his fi. øHø#ŽYhþÈcò Áres come.
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